Veggie & Fruit Freshness
Purchase The EGG
Drop a EGG into to each produce bin in your fridge and you are on your way to saving money and having a constant supply of of fresh Fruit and Veggies!

How The EGG Keeps Produce Fresh
The EGG removes the gas that accumulates in your Fridge, gases that make your produce age prematurely. more

Keep Produce Fresh
A number of storage conditions that can affect the life of produce, including temperature, humidity and, of course, the gas that our EGG absorbs. more
Produce and Your Health
Fruits and vegetables can materially reduce our risk of getting a variety of diseases. more
Produce and the Environment
The EGG is environmentally friendly in two ways: Most discarded produce sits in a landfill for generations. Produce directly converts the sun’s energy & less processing uses less resources. more

Produce and the Environment

EGGMan Did you Know?Although the primary reason to enjoy fresh produce is for its taste and texture, and for its health benefits, the environment appreciates it, too. Most of us feel an obligation to lighten our impact on the environment. Produce is the most direct way to convert the sun’s energy to our life sustaining needs. The less processing we subject our foods to before we consume it, the less resources are used. Eating fresh produce lightens our footprint on the environment.

Save Natures Bounty
Of course, once you have the produce home, it makes no sense to waste it. Technically, produce is “biodegradable”. Sounds good, but in a land fill after burial the conditions become anaerobic very quickly. With no oxygen, biodegrading does not happen. Most of the produce that you throw away takes up space in the landfill for generations to come.

Conservatively, the use of the E.G.G. should cut your spoilage in half. Besides the money that saves, it takes a load off our disposal systems, too.



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