Veggie & Fruit Freshness
Purchase The EGG
Drop a EGG into to each produce bin in your fridge and you are on your way to saving money and having a constant supply of of fresh Fruit and Veggies!

How The EGG Keeps Produce Fresh
The EGG removes the gas that accumulates in your Fridge, gases that make your produce age prematurely. more

Keep Produce Fresh
A number of storage conditions that can affect the life of produce, including temperature, humidity and, of course, the gas that our EGG absorbs. more
Produce and Your Health
Fruits and vegetables can materially reduce our risk of getting a variety of diseases. more
Produce and the Environment
The EGG is environmentally friendly in two ways: Most discarded produce sits in a landfill for generations. Produce directly converts the sun’s energy & less processing uses less resources. more


We are being bombarded with advice about the importance of increasing the amount of vegetables and fruits in our diets.

The American Heart Association, the American Institute for Cancer Research, the American Cancer Society, the American Diabetes Association, the National Institutes of Health, and the USDA all include increasing produce consumption as part of their dietary recommendations for disease prevention.

The scientific evidence continues to build that fruits and vegetables can materially affect our risk of getting a variety of diseases.

The link between high produce consumption and reduced incidence of several kinds of cancer, heart disease, and birth defects is well established. There is a growing body of research that suggests links with several other conditions such as stroke, hypertension, cataracts, diverticulosis,
diabetes and several others.

All of this advice is pretty easy to live with. In the early days of concern about eating right for the prevention of disease, some of the recommendations were pretty disagreeable. There was a common sentiment that "I will eat anything save it be health food" a few decades ago. Had they known that the ultimate health food was what they were eating from their gardens, health food would never have gotten a bad rap.

But, times have never been better for eating the ultimate health foods than they are today. The key to maximizing the taste and nutritiousness of fruits and vegetables is freshness. The advances in logistics and handling of produce have assured us of very fresh and healthful produce at ourlocal grocery stores. Of course, the next step is to be able to extend that freshness when we get it home to our refrigerator.

The Ethylene Gas Guardian is there to help.

Increasing our produce consumption has never been more delicious. The variety and quality of produce available is unsurpassed. Nutritional information and recipes are also readily available at:
5 A Day

Controlling ethylene gas, naturally given off by ripening produce, delivers produce at its peak of freshness


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